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🌟 One of My Favorite Interview Questions 🌟

How do you learn best?

Follow up: If you need to understand a new technology/process/etc. how would you go about learning this new item?

Every new hire is going to have to learn something new to be successful within your company. This interview question offers an inside look into how well the candidate understands themselves in relation to learning.

Do they jump right in and get hands on immediately to start to test out what they know and what they can figure out quickly? Do they read documentation and watch tutorials to gain understanding? Do they lean on senior team members to share best practices and inside knowledge?

There is no wrong answer to a question like this, but there is great ability to ensure a new hire aligns with the resources your team may or may not have available. Is your hiring team composed of senior team members that have time to train and educate a new hire? Are you running fast in a lean startup environment and need self-learners to be able to be self-sufficient in learning and adapting quickly?

These questions can be utilized to not only find a great fit for your team, but to also ensure you know the best way to educate your new team member once they begin by aligning training to the individual and not just a one-size-fits-all approach to training and onboarding.

Will you be using this question in your interviews? Let me know your thoughts!



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